A downloadable collection for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Presented before you is the Retrobits Collection, a series of unfinished works from my time working with LantixPro Studios. Each piece represents a different time in my life, a different ambition, a different perspective. This collection of games both serves as a unique gaming experience and a practice on how we look at the past. Delve into five different games from LantixPro's history, accompanied with a special commentary; as well as an additional introductory program.

Games featured in the collection:

  • Sage's Dungeon
    • The first game I ever tried cobbling together.
    • A top-down mystery zombie shooter. There are several maps to unlock as you advance through each facility and the storyline. Uncover hidden secrets, and mess around with powerups, weapons, and zombies.
  • Infinite
    • A dungeon-crawling rougelike with a mysterious storyline; originally released on Newgrounds as an unfinished project.
  • Infinite Dungeon
    • A complete remake of Infinite with more playable characters, more enemies, an intro cutscene, tutorial, and several unique rooms. Features save files and special challenges.
  • Bevar in the Wild
    • A sci-fi survival game in-which an alien crash lands on Earth; many years after the fall of humanity. Learn to live off the land and dig up old relics to rebuild your ship and return home.
    • (This game is unfinished so barely any of this remains.)
  • Robotic Harbingers of Death (R.H.O.D.)
    • A stealth-based shooter where you are a robot who takes on jobs to infiltrate, assassinate, and dispose of your targets with increasing difficulty.
    • A bonus addition to the collection added in the latest release.
    • Mod support for custom guns is available.

I hope you enjoy this special curated collection of my past, and learn something new about yourself.

Published 14 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

RETROBITS 1.0 - WIN32.zip 782 MB
RETROBITS 1.0 - WIN64.zip 834 MB
RETROBITS 1.0 - OSX.zip 1.3 GB
RETROBITS 1.0 - LINUX32.zip 1,011 MB
RETROBITS 1.0 - LINUX64.zip 962 MB